Im sitting in bed listening to you coo in your sleep and I couldn't be more in love.
Thomas Edward Kowalski was born on May 14, 2012 at 7:38am. He was 9lbs even and a whopping 22 inches long with beautiful strawberry blonde hair and dark grey-blue eyes. He is the spitting image of his father with my nose and lips.
The c-section was easy...the recovery was not. Only because of gas! Other than that I am doing well. I'll type out a more in deptH birth story later this week. Right now I have a diaper to check :)
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
This is the end!
3 full days left without an outside baby! Unless he chooses to come sooner...and honestly I wouldn't mind. I'm dying. My body is just giving out completely.
In fact, I might have to wait until tomorrow to do a real update here. Too tired.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
I had a dream last night that Eric was home with me, and that I literally had my baby in my sleep. As in I woke up and felt a foot through the blanket, made Eric feel it and thought it was in my belly. Then realized how defined it was, pulled back the blanket, and there was Teddy, covered in uterine slime and umbilical cord! If only childbirth were so easy, right?
So he gets cleaned up and everything is fine and dream-Teddy is just PERFECTION. He has dark brown/red a darker version of Eric's and big blue eyes. I wonder if he'll come out looking the complete opposite of that now?? Haha, I so can not wait to see this genetic mashup. It's driving me insane. INSANE.
So that was the gist of my dream...exciting as all hell, but weird at the same time! In two weeks and two days (OR LESS) I will be a mother.
So he gets cleaned up and everything is fine and dream-Teddy is just PERFECTION. He has dark brown/red a darker version of Eric's and big blue eyes. I wonder if he'll come out looking the complete opposite of that now?? Haha, I so can not wait to see this genetic mashup. It's driving me insane. INSANE.
So that was the gist of my dream...exciting as all hell, but weird at the same time! In two weeks and two days (OR LESS) I will be a mother.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The Home Stretch!!!
So this will be a pretty significant update!
We have under 4 weeks left until the c-section/induction date. I'm still including the induction on the offchance that Dr. Breit feels comfortable going that route. I hope she doesn't at this point...she has me concerned.
Anyway, baby is still huge and damn near 7 pounds...still four weeks to go, so I'm pretty worried that I'm going to run out of room in my belly for his giant butt. He is SO CUTE.
Eric left for pre-deployment training just over a week was the week from Hell after he left. Jessie got here, which was amazing. Unfortunately, we spent her entire second day here in Labor and Delivery because I failed a BPP for movement. My son decided to sit still JUST for the scan. The hospital decided to monitor me, put me on an IV of fluids, AND redo the BPP. We spent a total of 6 hours there! Anyway, it all turned out was just tedious and the last thing I needed on the day after Eric left!
Fast forward to Saturday...TORNADO. A tornado went through the base! It figures that not only would it be my first legit tornado watch and then warning, but also my first tornado, AND that it would go right through the base and actually cause quite a bit of destruction in the area. We were lucky and took no damage, but the base itself did and the streets are still closed (have I mentioned that they lead to the hospital?? Because they do. And they're closed til Sunday.).
I'd write more but I'm getting so sleepy. Sookie is snoozing next to me and her tiny little snores are lulling me into dreamland <3
Anyway, baby is still huge and damn near 7 pounds...still four weeks to go, so I'm pretty worried that I'm going to run out of room in my belly for his giant butt. He is SO CUTE.
Eric left for pre-deployment training just over a week was the week from Hell after he left. Jessie got here, which was amazing. Unfortunately, we spent her entire second day here in Labor and Delivery because I failed a BPP for movement. My son decided to sit still JUST for the scan. The hospital decided to monitor me, put me on an IV of fluids, AND redo the BPP. We spent a total of 6 hours there! Anyway, it all turned out was just tedious and the last thing I needed on the day after Eric left!
Fast forward to Saturday...TORNADO. A tornado went through the base! It figures that not only would it be my first legit tornado watch and then warning, but also my first tornado, AND that it would go right through the base and actually cause quite a bit of destruction in the area. We were lucky and took no damage, but the base itself did and the streets are still closed (have I mentioned that they lead to the hospital?? Because they do. And they're closed til Sunday.).
I'd write more but I'm getting so sleepy. Sookie is snoozing next to me and her tiny little snores are lulling me into dreamland <3
Saturday, March 31, 2012
It's on the books now...
We are officially scheduled for a C-Section on May 14th at 7:30am (have to get there two hours early to prep!)...Teddy is just getting too big, and Dr. Breit is not fond of taking the risk of hurting me OR the baby. I'm SO GLAD. I know this will sound silly, and I honestly never thought I would EVER say this, but I've been praying for a c-section. My hips have been through enough as is...pushing a giant baby with a giant head through them and run the risk of injuring them further, right before a deployment? NO THANKS. The risk of Teddy's shoulders getting stuck?? NOOOOOO. And honestly, with the rate he's growing, the recovery from this c-section might really be faster than a vaginal recovery.
So we'll know for sure on April 19th that this is the route we're going. That's the date of my next measurment ultrasound. I actually have to go in weekly for the BPP scans now (bio physical), but the measurement one is in three weeks. If he's growing even bigger, she might go earlier. OR, conversely, if he's slowing down she may cancel the c-section and just make it an induction.
So we're going to the hospital on May 14th or earlier, no matter what. How crazy is that?? I can't believe it's almost time.
So we'll know for sure on April 19th that this is the route we're going. That's the date of my next measurment ultrasound. I actually have to go in weekly for the BPP scans now (bio physical), but the measurement one is in three weeks. If he's growing even bigger, she might go earlier. OR, conversely, if he's slowing down she may cancel the c-section and just make it an induction.
So we're going to the hospital on May 14th or earlier, no matter what. How crazy is that?? I can't believe it's almost time.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Moving Right Along
Lost a little bit of my mucus plug yesterday...two tiny globs of EWCM and then a small amount of pink discharge (and I do mean a SMALL amount) on my pantiliner. Cramps increasing...they are frequent, but they are gaining a bit of strength. It's all still very, very mild. I'm hoping this is just Braxton Hicks. If they get worse, or I lose more plug with more blood, I will call the nurse. If that doesn't happen, I'll hold out on raising any alarms until I see Dr. Breit on Friday morning :)
Saw Teddy yesterday, and Eric got to see him too! He's even more huge this time around...5lbs 3oz. HOLY SHEEP. He's measuring three weeks ahead, and he's head down and in the fetal position. Rut roh. Tech thinks he'll be joining us sooner than planned, but we shall see.
He got the hiccups while we were watching, which was awesome. He was also opening and closing his looked like he was practicing for breastfeeding! Haha...I wonder if that's something they do in the womb? Or was he just smacking his lips in his sleep like his daddy? :P
Anyway, I'm just relaxing now. Sitting up in bed watching Forensic Files, an oatmeal and avocado mask on. Gonna wash that off in a few and put a biore strip on and then throw an eye mask on when that's done. So relaxing. If only I didn't have stupid heartburn, I'd totally have a glass of wine :(
Saw Teddy yesterday, and Eric got to see him too! He's even more huge this time around...5lbs 3oz. HOLY SHEEP. He's measuring three weeks ahead, and he's head down and in the fetal position. Rut roh. Tech thinks he'll be joining us sooner than planned, but we shall see.
He got the hiccups while we were watching, which was awesome. He was also opening and closing his looked like he was practicing for breastfeeding! Haha...I wonder if that's something they do in the womb? Or was he just smacking his lips in his sleep like his daddy? :P
Anyway, I'm just relaxing now. Sitting up in bed watching Forensic Files, an oatmeal and avocado mask on. Gonna wash that off in a few and put a biore strip on and then throw an eye mask on when that's done. So relaxing. If only I didn't have stupid heartburn, I'd totally have a glass of wine :(
Monday, March 19, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
So the next 9 weeks are gonna blow, hm?
It's official...I'm in the "uncomfortable" stage of pregnancy. Because, you know, I haven't been uncomfortable since week 8 or earlier!
Teddy has his little feet BURIED in my rib cage now! The pressure gets so intense sometimes...I'm legit worried about him breaking one of my ribs.
Also, my bladder is out of control. It feels like I have to pee every five seconds, and it's the worst in the moment after standing up...seriously, I couldn't walk for a full minute tonight when I got up from the computer chair! It also feels heavy down there, as though I could sneeze and he'd pop out.
I'm experiencing the phenomenon known as "lightning crotch" now, but not TOO frequently. It took my breath away the first time! It felt like my cervix was being scratched or something similarly awful.
So that's my update!
Teddy has his little feet BURIED in my rib cage now! The pressure gets so intense sometimes...I'm legit worried about him breaking one of my ribs.
Also, my bladder is out of control. It feels like I have to pee every five seconds, and it's the worst in the moment after standing up...seriously, I couldn't walk for a full minute tonight when I got up from the computer chair! It also feels heavy down there, as though I could sneeze and he'd pop out.
I'm experiencing the phenomenon known as "lightning crotch" now, but not TOO frequently. It took my breath away the first time! It felt like my cervix was being scratched or something similarly awful.
So that's my update!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
He's a Big Boy, That's for Sure
Welp. Teddy's head is in the 95th percentile. He's measuring a full two weeks ahead, too.
My bajingo is screwed. SCREWED.
My bajingo is screwed. SCREWED.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Teddy has either his little fists or his little feet way up under my ribs.
Calm down, little boy!
Calm down, little boy!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Not-so-smoothly sailing into the third trimester...met some new challenges pretty much the day it started. For starters, I failed my one hour glucose test. Granted, I saw that coming because I'm a dumbass who though spaghetti and french bread would make for a good dinner the night before, with non-diet root beer to go with it and a coffee with real sugar and yogurt for breakfast the morning of. Duh. So now I have to go in tomorrow morning at 8:30 for the three hour test...and this time I have to fast starting at midnight. The good news is that we have a chicken meal planned for dinner tonight! ;) I'm not TOO worried. I'm watching my carb intake today just to be safe, but I'm not going overboard.
So when running the labs on my blood for the GT, they saw that I was now anemic. Guess what? The day before they called to tell me that, I started feeling dizzy and nauseous 24/7, tired no matter what, and noticed that I had been sleeping for ten plus hours a night. Woot, anemia. So now I'm on SlowFE, and iron supplement, and it's slowly working its magic. Each day I'm feeling better, with less dizziness and nausea. What a relief!
We've also officially picked out hospital, Via Christi. It's five minutes down the road from the base and it has "Mother and Baby" suites with queen sized beds for after delivery. They offer up a birth plan chart online, so we'll be going over that today or tomorrow and on Saturday morning we'll be taking a tour of the Labor and Delivery center (The NewLife Center). I'm not going to lie, the fact that it's a Catholic hospital (despite any wisecracking from me previously) makes me feel much, much better.
I'm experiencing swelling, which is no bueno. I feel like my hands are pudgy, and they are never ever pudgy! Adding to that, my circulation is officially shot. My left hand falls asleep pretty much every ten minutes or so and my feet go pretty quickly the moment I raise them in a seated position. Not fun. I'm going to mention it to Dr. Breit at our next appointment (next week!)...I'm at the point where I have appointments every two weeks! Whoa nelly.
OH! Before I forget! We have outside movement! Eric can feel the baby all the time now :) It was such an exciting thing, and it still blows my mind. I can feel his little fists/feet pushing up against me and rolling around...sometimes it's kinda creepy, but for the most part I love it :)
How far along? 27 weeks and 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: My arms look super pudgy to me lately, but the rest of me doesn't seem to be getting much bigger...other than my belly, obviously.
Maternity clothes? I still love my sweatpants
Sleep: nightmares. Everything is getting vivid. Dreamt my dad died, dreamt a baby in my care (but not my own) died from some freak natural cause and was brought back to life by eric...I miss the funny vivid dreams from the first two trimesters. These are scary a lot of the time.
Best moment this week: Shaping the Snoogle into a donut shape last night, and using it to lay on my tummy! I love laying on my tummy and playing on the laptop.
Movement: holy shnikies.
Food cravings: peanut butter and jelly
Gender: snakes and snails and puppydog tails
What I miss: having a full range of motion. Belly is officially hindering my leg movement.
What I am looking forward to: touring the hospital!
Weekly Wisdom: husband hugs make everything all better
Milestones: outside movement!
So when running the labs on my blood for the GT, they saw that I was now anemic. Guess what? The day before they called to tell me that, I started feeling dizzy and nauseous 24/7, tired no matter what, and noticed that I had been sleeping for ten plus hours a night. Woot, anemia. So now I'm on SlowFE, and iron supplement, and it's slowly working its magic. Each day I'm feeling better, with less dizziness and nausea. What a relief!
We've also officially picked out hospital, Via Christi. It's five minutes down the road from the base and it has "Mother and Baby" suites with queen sized beds for after delivery. They offer up a birth plan chart online, so we'll be going over that today or tomorrow and on Saturday morning we'll be taking a tour of the Labor and Delivery center (The NewLife Center). I'm not going to lie, the fact that it's a Catholic hospital (despite any wisecracking from me previously) makes me feel much, much better.
I'm experiencing swelling, which is no bueno. I feel like my hands are pudgy, and they are never ever pudgy! Adding to that, my circulation is officially shot. My left hand falls asleep pretty much every ten minutes or so and my feet go pretty quickly the moment I raise them in a seated position. Not fun. I'm going to mention it to Dr. Breit at our next appointment (next week!)...I'm at the point where I have appointments every two weeks! Whoa nelly.
OH! Before I forget! We have outside movement! Eric can feel the baby all the time now :) It was such an exciting thing, and it still blows my mind. I can feel his little fists/feet pushing up against me and rolling around...sometimes it's kinda creepy, but for the most part I love it :)
How far along? 27 weeks and 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: My arms look super pudgy to me lately, but the rest of me doesn't seem to be getting much bigger...other than my belly, obviously.
Maternity clothes? I still love my sweatpants
Sleep: nightmares. Everything is getting vivid. Dreamt my dad died, dreamt a baby in my care (but not my own) died from some freak natural cause and was brought back to life by eric...I miss the funny vivid dreams from the first two trimesters. These are scary a lot of the time.
Best moment this week: Shaping the Snoogle into a donut shape last night, and using it to lay on my tummy! I love laying on my tummy and playing on the laptop.
Movement: holy shnikies.
Food cravings: peanut butter and jelly
Gender: snakes and snails and puppydog tails
What I miss: having a full range of motion. Belly is officially hindering my leg movement.
What I am looking forward to: touring the hospital!
Weekly Wisdom: husband hugs make everything all better
Milestones: outside movement!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Quick Hello!
Running out for a pedicure in a few with some neighbors, but will be posting VERY soon with video showing baby movement (YES!) and my first third trimester update :)
Monday, February 6, 2012
Movin' On Up! 25w2d
Baby started either punching or kicking WAY higher up today! I thought it was gas bubbles, honestly, until I realized that there was no way. He is so precious.
I'm looking forward to feeling him hiccup. It's possible that it's already happened and I just didn't notice!
How far along? 25 weeks and 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: I feel less bloated, but I think I'm MORE bloated
Maternity clothes? sweatpants...I live in sweatpants
Sleep: Crazy dreams. Insanity. I've also been sleeping ten hours on average...I guess I should take advantage, since it's the last time I'll ever be able to!
Best moment this week: Finding a comfortable position to have sex. TMI, I know, but it's not like you all thought we were virgins. Hi, pregnant.
Movement: lots!
Food cravings: mango ice cream (without the fruit chunks)
Gender: boy boy boy
What I miss: laying on my tummy to play on the laptop
What I am looking forward to: third tri in 1.5 weeks!
Weekly Wisdom: physical therapy is a life saver. So are sciatic stretches (flossing!) and exercises to move my bones back into place.
Milestones: Not sure I've hit any major milestones this week!
I'm looking forward to feeling him hiccup. It's possible that it's already happened and I just didn't notice!
How far along? 25 weeks and 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: I feel less bloated, but I think I'm MORE bloated
Maternity clothes? sweatpants...I live in sweatpants
Sleep: Crazy dreams. Insanity. I've also been sleeping ten hours on average...I guess I should take advantage, since it's the last time I'll ever be able to!
Best moment this week: Finding a comfortable position to have sex. TMI, I know, but it's not like you all thought we were virgins. Hi, pregnant.
Movement: lots!
Food cravings: mango ice cream (without the fruit chunks)
Gender: boy boy boy
What I miss: laying on my tummy to play on the laptop
What I am looking forward to: third tri in 1.5 weeks!
Weekly Wisdom: physical therapy is a life saver. So are sciatic stretches (flossing!) and exercises to move my bones back into place.
Milestones: Not sure I've hit any major milestones this week!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Baby Teddy = Future Beckham?
This boy can KICK! Nothing new on the Teddy front, really. Just a lot of movement.
What IS new, is my official diagnosis of SPD. My sacroiliac joint was completely turned to the right and my sciatic nerve on the right side was being pinched like in a lobster claw. The good news? I have PT once a week now, and the first appointment really helped. I still have pain, but I'm learning what does and does not irritate it. It's hard, but I'm getting there. Plus I get a massage once a week, so I'll take it! Haha.
What IS new, is my official diagnosis of SPD. My sacroiliac joint was completely turned to the right and my sciatic nerve on the right side was being pinched like in a lobster claw. The good news? I have PT once a week now, and the first appointment really helped. I still have pain, but I'm learning what does and does not irritate it. It's hard, but I'm getting there. Plus I get a massage once a week, so I'll take it! Haha.
Monday, January 16, 2012
22 weeks! Or is it 23??
Quick update before bed, because I realized I had been slacking on this thing. Just got back to Kansas from ten days in New Jersey, during which I ate my weight in bagels. I also brought a dozen back in my checked luggage. I'm a freak.
Tedward is boxing up a storm in my belly! He's so active, I can hardly believe it. I'm so excited to meet this little man and hold him and kiss him and see what he looks like!
My pain is bad. We're pretty sure it's SPD, and I will be speaking with my doc about it tomorrow. My appointment is at 3pm, so I have plenty of time to get my list of questions organized. Lamaze/childbirth class is at's our first one! We have it for 8 weeks I believe, every Tuesday at 6:30 over at the AFRC. I'm excited. I totally need to remind Eric to bring my yoga mat up from the basement tomorrow.
Speaking of the basement, it's basically a fully equipped gym now (for me, at least). We have the elliptical, the bench, the straps, the free weights, and now the suspension thing for pullups, etc.; basically, I will have no excuse not to get back into shape while Eric is deployed. I'm actually super excited!
Anyway, time to play some Pogo and watch some Deadly Women on netflix!
Tedward is boxing up a storm in my belly! He's so active, I can hardly believe it. I'm so excited to meet this little man and hold him and kiss him and see what he looks like!
My pain is bad. We're pretty sure it's SPD, and I will be speaking with my doc about it tomorrow. My appointment is at 3pm, so I have plenty of time to get my list of questions organized. Lamaze/childbirth class is at's our first one! We have it for 8 weeks I believe, every Tuesday at 6:30 over at the AFRC. I'm excited. I totally need to remind Eric to bring my yoga mat up from the basement tomorrow.
Speaking of the basement, it's basically a fully equipped gym now (for me, at least). We have the elliptical, the bench, the straps, the free weights, and now the suspension thing for pullups, etc.; basically, I will have no excuse not to get back into shape while Eric is deployed. I'm actually super excited!
Anyway, time to play some Pogo and watch some Deadly Women on netflix!
How far along? 22 weeks and 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: hissssssssssss
Maternity clothes? I love maternity pants
Sleep: Pretty good. Usually wake up once in the morning to pee/turn over. Not sure whether the pelvic pain or my bladder wakes me up, but both contribute.
Best moment this week: Feeling Teddy react to my touch...every time I ran my finger down my linea negra, he kicked. It was so sweet!
Movement: so much kicking/punching!
Food cravings: red meat. chocolate milk.
Gender: baby boy!
What I miss: wine
What I am looking forward to: Third trimester in five weeks!
Weekly Wisdom: It's ok to sleep on my back. Pillow between my legs might actually be making my pelvic pain worse :/
Milestones: Belly is HUGE and popped up and out
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