Monday, September 12, 2011

Well hello there

I'm 4 weeks pregnant, and nobody knows it. Ok...I'm using the word "nobody" loosely here. My husband (clearly) knows, as do three of my closest friends. And that's all folks! We're going to tell our parents at the 8 or 10 week mark, and everybody else at 12-13 weeks.

Basically, we caught the eggy right when it appeared. I was testing clearly positive 6 days before my period was due, which means I'm obviously an early ovulator (I tend to have 28-29 day we're talking like cycle day 8 or 9). My last period began the day after I arrived in Kansas and ended a few days before Eric got here. All in all, we got very lucky. This will be our homecoming baby :)

I will not lie...I'm terrified of losing this pregnancy. It's like they want pregnant women to fear miscarriage, I swear. All the information on the net and in the books is basically there to induce panic. I know that it's all meant to be helpful, but good Lord. I'm only starting to relinquish the pee sticks. My husband, who was amused at my insistence on taking two tests a day all week, has no idea that I'm still testing once a day. I'm down to my last internet cheapie pee stick...meep.

In order to calm my mind, I've given up least until the second trimester. I will enjoy my daily small cup at that point. I've obviously given up alcohol. And here's the biggie: I quit smoking today, cold turkey. I WANT TO CRY. It's not so bad, though...I had already cut back significantly and that was half the battle. The next two days are going to be hard, though.

Now as for symptoms, mine are pretty basic. Fatigue, though today has been considerably better than the past week. Breast tenderness, which was at it's worst so far today. The most horrible symptom of all? CONSTANT ACID REFLUX. Seriously. I want to scream. The Nexium (which is a class b drug, and perfectly safe for me to take) works, but only in twice the amount I usually take. And honestly, sometimes it doesn't work. All I can do is lean to the left and sleep on my left. I have a sinking feeling that this will be around for the long haul.

Anyway, time for bed. I get to go to the med center tomorrow for my vitals and a referral! Which of course translates to "Wait two months to see a Gyno and hyperventilate about your pregnancy for every single day in between" but heeeeey, it's something.

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